GOAL of project
Redesign the Creator Mode on the LinkedIn Profile page, to help alleviate the pain points I am personally experiencing.
As a Content Creator, LinkedIn is one of the sites I spend a lot of my time on. However, over the last few months as I have been focused on growing my engagement and audience, I have noticed several pain points in my flow of posting on LinkedIn.
This is merely an exercise explaining how I would redesign some of the current modules or new sections I would add to better the posting experience. My next step would be to back my study using additional research.
*This was not instructed by LinkedIn and has no affiliation to them, just a explorative exercise*
Current flow
To better outline the pain points I am experiencing, let's first take a look at my current LinkedIn profile page with Creator Mode activated.
In the live version of Creator Mode, the profile is in this order: Personal information, Suggested for you, Analytics, Resources, Featured, Activity, About, Experience, Education, Skills, Recommendations, Languages, Interests, and Causes.
I focused on redesigning the analytics and activity modules.
Original Analytics module

At a broader level this information is helpful, but as a Content Creator actively trying to learn how to better engage my audience, this does not provide enough information about the metrics of each of my posts.
original Activity module
On an individual's profile page I find it important to view what they are posting about, however, I feel this format isn't inviting or engaging. Rather, I find it overwhelming due to all the pieces fighting for my attention.

What was changed
As mentioned earlier, I focused on recreating the analytics and activity modules. I also thought it was important to re-order the information on one’s profile when Creator Mode is activated.
My new flow is as follows: Personal information, analytics section (split into Your top posts, Your top followers, When to post), Featured, About, Activity, Experience, Education, Skills, Recommendations, Languages, Interests, and Causes.
In my new version I removed the Suggested for you and Resources modules, as I believe they could be better suited in the profile dropdown in the top navigation. This allows the user to scroll through less and easily access what I believe are the more important parts of their profile. I also switched the order of About and Activity. I personally think this helps the user understand the person’s profile they are viewing before doing a deeper dive into their content.
New Analytics Section
your top posts

As someone still relatively new to social media tactics, my strategy has been a lot of trial and error, specifically in relation to the style of content. Therefore, I think it would be helpful to track individual posts to see how they are doing.
On the current analytics section, I have to scroll through the activity section to find all the metrics for each post while comparing them as I scroll through.
As a way to save time, I created a new module that highlights my top three posts at a given moment in time. The image above shows the default state, however the user would be able filter different styles of polls and metric systems in the top right corner. For instance, they could customize to view polls, videos, etc or even views, comments, shares.
I also added in a chart that identifies the type of user that was engaged with the content, as this helps me understand who my posts reach. This helps me to understand if a post was viewed by people that are already in my network or if it's hitting a new set of audience. This would allow me to determine the type of content that hits my non-followers so that I could continue to grow my audience through posting content of that specific style.
your top followers
I spend a bunch of time on LinkedIn due to its community aspect. However, as a Content Creator on the Creator Mode, I find this part is lacking. Specifically, I find there is a void between my network and myself.

Since I have created a brand for myself, I have a high level idea of who my audience is, but I feel disengaged from the people viewing my posts. That is why I created this module to highlight who your top three followers are.
This would allow for individuals like myself to know which users are the most active, so that i could potentially curate my content for them, or even connect with them to increase the community aspect.
In the case of users using private mode, the module would remain the same and just show a blank profile image and the text used in the "who viewed your profile" section that currently exists. Although this would not be as helpful information, it still provides some insights.
When to post

Determining when users are active is a critical part to being a Content Creator.
I discovered this information through trial and error and have since confirmed it through third party platforms.
Therefore, I believe it would be super helpful for LinkedIn to use Machine Learning to track a user’s audience on the platform. A user in Creator mode would then be able to see, like above, the best day and time for them to post. Not only would this engage users on the platform, I believe it would also increase the feeling of community as it reminds the user that they are posting for other members on the platform.

As shown in the video, I created these three metric sections in one module that can be altered when a user clicks on the chevron. As all three were related, I found this would conserve space. The LinkedIn Profile already consists of many modules and I did not want the user to have to scroll even longer.
new activity module

Creators make content for others to see so it is essential for viewers to be able to preview these posts.
Since the LinkedIn algorithm now favors more visual mediums, specifically videos, I wanted to create a format that utilized this. As a user scrolls through a person’s profile, their attention will be drawn to this grid layout.
The other benefit to this format is that it shows more content using even less space. Before, a user could only see four posts before clicking on "See all activity." Now a user at a quick glance as access to double the amount of posts.
For users who are less active, this module would decrease in height, only showing one row.